
Large studio in need of an extra hand? We’re ready. Startup looking for guidance? Just ask. Working on a personal project? Let’s hear it. 

What we offer: 

  • Design Direction and Analysis 
  • Game Design Document Production 
  • Game Systems Design 
  • Level Design 
  • UX/GUI Design 
  • Story Design 
  • Game Mechanics Prototyping/Implementation 
  • AI Programming 
  • GUI Implementation 
  • Network Programming 
  • Art Integration 
  • Animation Integration 

What you can expect: 

  • Exceptional work reflecting over 10 years of industry experience 
  • Professional and unbiased feedback 
  • Proficiency in Unreal, Unity, Godot, C#, C++, Python, and Javascript 
  • Scalable rates based on your needs 
  • Flexible hours and quick turnarounds